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        1 - The sociologically study of the Cohabitation in Tehran City
        Masoumeh Motlaq mahdieh ghoreishi
        The purpose of this research is the sociologically study of cohabitation phenomenon in Tehran city. In recent years, family institution has experienced many changes which one of them is known cohabitation as a new emerging style of common life. According to nature and s More
        The purpose of this research is the sociologically study of cohabitation phenomenon in Tehran city. In recent years, family institution has experienced many changes which one of them is known cohabitation as a new emerging style of common life. According to nature and subject qualitative research is considered and a purposeful method of sampling and snowball sampling are applied for achieving to theoretical saturation; therefore, in this research 60 person of that experienced cohabitation in 17th Area of Tehran were interviewed. The analyzing of data is based on grounded theory method. The impact factors in the phenomenon of cohabitation can be classified in three categories. The findings show that the following factors have the most impact, including; economic factors (unemployment, lack of job security, costs of marriage) legal factors (the responsibility of marriage, unfair contract between partners and so on) social factors (social changes, generation oppositions, sexual abnormalities and the increasing of conflicts in the society). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Exploratory Investigation of The Causes of Administrative Corruption in Tehran Municipality
        behzad hemati alireza karimi fariba hemati
        The phenomenon of administrative corruption in today's world, especially in developing countries, has been raised as one of the most important obstacles to the progress of society. This phenomenon has caused irreparable damage to the speed of the development wheel in so More
        The phenomenon of administrative corruption in today's world, especially in developing countries, has been raised as one of the most important obstacles to the progress of society. This phenomenon has caused irreparable damage to the speed of the development wheel in society, weakens trust and social capital in society, and keeps social institutions away from fulfilling their specific missions and duties. Therefore, in this research, an attempt was made to explore the issue of administrative corruption, underlying factors and mechanisms of the occurrence of corruption in Tehran municipality, and the interaction of the effective factors in the occurrence of administrative corruption and its persistence. The methodological strategy applied was mix method, so that the first part was based on the qualitative method of grounded theory with an inductive-exploratory strategy. The results obtained from grounded theory were evaluated through the questionnaire tool and survey method. According to the findings, the incidence of administrative corruption in Tehran municipality is caused by eleven main factors. In the "To what extent is it in the municipality" section, the highest level of corruption was related to bribery in the stages of planning and issuing the completion of work with an average of 0.4. In the section "To what extent have you or your colleagues encountered this phenomenon", the highest exposure was related to the factor of procrastination and lack of supervision with an average of 2.95. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Place of Religiosity in the Changes of Social Hope of Tehrani Citizens
        RAHA TALEB ARDAKANI bijan zare reza safarishali alireza karimi
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5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} </style> <![endif]--></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; mso-pagination: none; margin: 0cm 26.95pt .0001pt 25.25pt;" align="center"><strong><span lang="EN" style="font-size: 14.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;">The Place of Religiosity in the Changes </span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; mso-pagination: none; margin: 0cm 26.95pt .0001pt 25.25pt;" align="center"><strong><span lang="EN" style="font-size: 14.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN;">of Social Hope of Tehrani Citizens</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; mso-pagination: none; margin: 0cm 26.95pt .0001pt 25.25pt;" align="center"><strong><span dir="RTL" lang="AR-SA" style="font-size: 14.0pt;">&nbsp;</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: right;" align="right"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Raha Talebi Ardakani<a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn1;" title="" href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference">*</span></a></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: right;" align="right"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Bijan Zare<a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn2;" title="" href="#_ftn2" name="_ftnref2"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference">**</span></a></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: right;" align="right"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Reza Safari Shali<a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn3;" title="" href="#_ftn3" name="_ftnref3"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference">***</span></a></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: right;" align="right"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt;"><span style="mso-spacerun: yes;">&nbsp;</span>Alireza Karimi<a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn4;" title="" href="#_ftn4" name="_ftnref4"><span class="MsoFootnoteReference">****</span></a></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">Hope, as a protective factor, is a positive psychological trait that enables individuals to set clear goals, develop multiple pathways to achieve these goals, overcome obstacles, and generate the necessary energy to pursue their objectives. It fosters positive emotions while simultaneously mitigating negative issues. Hope is viewed as a form of self-confidence and personal mastery that aids in goal-setting, planning, and problem-solving. Although social hope has not been prominently recognized as a significant social problem in national policy discourse, its absence or insufficiency has raised concerns among many people and officials.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">Religiosity and religious teachings play a crucial role in enhancing social hope. They directly impact psychological and social well-being, thereby increasing both social and individual hope. Understanding the nature of hope, especially its transcendental and religious dimensions, offers potential pathways to bolster hope in various aspects. Social hope has become a political necessity in Iran, and any efforts to rebuild the relationship between the government and society depend on strengthening this component. Contemporary Iranian society appears to be on the brink of a crisis of despair. The erosion of social hope in recent years, coupled with a decline in social capital, has created significant challenges for the country&rsquo;s development and social progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">The aim of this research is to sociologically and qualitatively explore the role of religiosity in social hope among the citizens of Tehran.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><strong><span style="background: white;">Methodology</span></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">This qualitative research utilized a grounded theory approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 50 individuals from Tehran, including university professors, marketers, youth, women, and students. The research reached theoretical saturation. Participants were selected using purposive sampling with snowball and maximum variation techniques to ensure diversity in terms of gender, education, age, and social class. Interviews lasted between 50 minutes to 2 hours and were sometimes conducted in multiple sessions. Data collection spanned over 2 years. Data analysis followed the theoretical coding system of grounded theory, comprising open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. In open coding, the interview texts were read line by line and conceptualized. In axial coding, concepts were grouped into central categories based on semantic overlap. The core category, derived at a more abstract level, was identified as the role of religiosity in the multifaceted revitalization of social hope.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">Ethical considerations were observed throughout the study. Participants' consent was obtained before interviews, and they were informed about the research&rsquo;s purpose, topic, and methods. Their privacy was protected by recording data with their permission and using pseudonyms to maintain confidentiality.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><strong>Findings</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">During the open coding phase, 105 open codes, 33 core codes, 9 main categories, and one core category emerged: hope for the hereafter and receiving divine reward; religious worldview and giving meaning to life; communication with God as the foundation of hope; the production of correct content and its role in religious identification and gaining hope; patience, tolerance of suffering, and hope for divine intervention; the spread of kindness and benevolence in religious teachings; the interdependence of religion, answering doubts, and increasing awareness; reducing social damage; and expanding solidarity and social belonging. The core category, the agency of religiosity in the multifaceted revitalization of social hope, was identified.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">Participants sought various strategies to enhance and strengthen their social hope. They practiced kindness and beneficence, such as making vows, which increased their resilience to adversity by reinforcing their connection with a higher power. These practices aimed to improve problem-solving and provide mental and spiritual peace in this life and the hereafter. Participation in religious ceremonies and rituals also contributed to social cohesion by strengthening bonds and relationships.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;"><strong>Conclusion </strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%;">The core category, the role of religiosity in the multifaceted revival of social hope, reflects a complex interplay of factors, conditions, and contexts. It illustrates that religiosity's role in expressing and developing social hope is multifaceted and not singularly causal. Social hope, from various humanities perspectives, remains a significant concern for individuals and cultural policymakers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormalCxSpMiddle" dir="RTL" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; direction: rtl; unicode-bidi: embed;"><span dir="LTR" style="mso-bidi-language: FA;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: kashida; text-kashida: 0%; line-height: 97%;"><span class="rynqvb"><span lang="EN" style="mso-ansi-language: EN;">&nbsp;</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA;"><br style="mso-special-character: line-break; page-break-before: always;" clear="all" /> </span></p> <div style="mso-element: footnote-list;"><br clear="all" /><hr align="left" size="1" width="33%" /> <div id="ftn1" style="mso-element: footnote;"> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn1;" title="" href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">* Ph.D</span></a><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">. Student of cultural policy, Kharazmi University, Iran.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt;">rahatalebiardakani@gmail.com</span></p> </div> <div id="ftn2" style="mso-element: footnote;"> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn2;" title="" href="#_ftnref2" name="_ftn2"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">** Corresponding author: Pr</span></a><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">ofessor of Sociology Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt;">zare@khu.ac.ir</span></p> </div> <div id="ftn3" style="mso-element: footnote;"> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn3;" title="" href="#_ftnref3" name="_ftn3"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">*** Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran</span></a><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt;">Reza_safaryshali@khu.ac.ir</span></p> </div> <div id="ftn4" style="mso-element: footnote;"> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><a style="mso-footnote-id: ftn4;" title="" href="#_ftnref4" name="_ftn4"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">**** Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Kharazmi U</span></a><span style="font-size: 10.0pt;">niversity, Tehran, Iran.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt;">alireza.karimi@khu.ac.ir</span></p> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Manuscript profile